Don’t touch my hair

Don't touch my hair
So it’s difficult enough going for the big chop or transitioning to natural hair in a society that just doesn’t understand your hair. People often say things sometimes innocently, sometimes purposefully without understanding the implications of their words. 

 Here are some quotes as shocking as some may sound have been said to me or other woman I know. Here is the list of things to avoid saying to woman with natural hair.

 Or fear the wrath shea butter and jojoba oil.

Are you going to wear your hair like that (in a judgemental tone)

Of course I’m going to wear my hair like this, Is there a problem

You have slave hair.

Slave hair really! Oh please. Please move yourself otherwise somebody’s gonna get hurt real bad

Can I touch it?

No you can’t touch my hair kmt, does it look like a petting zoo. 

You going back to natural hair, your better person than me. I couldn’t do.

Probably going to be the best decision you make, but we are not all ready to make that choice yet.

Natural Hair isn’t for everybody,

It is your god given natural hair so yes it is for you and everyone else.

Your hair feels really soft and spongy.

You hair feel springy and like spaghetti (sticks tongue out)

 Why doesn’t your hair grow.

Of course black peoples’ hair grow and like everyone else, some peoples’ hair grow quicker than others.

When are you gonna straighten it

Never. I’m going to keep it all curly and kinky is that ok with you.(evil look) 

Afros went out in the 70s

So did that outfit

Do you comb/wash your hair.

 I can not ever justify your comment with a response.


if you have a friend or family member that is on the natural hair journey then be positive and encourage them. Also think before you speak.


‘My hair starts conversations” Breanna Rutter (

Big shout out and thank you to Romay Brown a Birmingham based illustrator, for her fabulous illustration, find her on instagram.  


Check out her other pieces of work


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